
Forever behind in the times, I just started using Bloglines yesterday. I tried to sign up and it told me I already had … so god knows when I did that. But anyway, so far I really like it. I keep adding more and more of my reads to it since most sites have a feed now. Even Flickr shows up on there when someone posts a new photo! No more clicking on every site in my bookmarks just to see if they have updated. Whatever will I do with all this new found free time?

3 Replies to “Bloglines”

  1. I never really understood all the fuss of RSS feeds until I started using Bloglines. Good lord, so much easier! Now I read everything that way (and track packages, too).

  2. And Bloglines is just one of many ways to read RSS feeds. Now you see why I’ve used fewer and fewer web browser bookmarks over the last 3 years – all the sites I want to follow (including yours and lots of LiveJournal friends) have RSS feeds and they tell me when something’s been updated so I don’t have to go check.

    Something else that’s cool about Bloglines is you can browse and see what feeds other people are subscribed to, just another way to discover and subscribe to more cool stuff.

    What made you decide to start using Bloglines yesterday?

  3. I hadn’t read any of my posts all weekend and I checked it this morning to find 376 new posts. YIKES! I’m finally all caught up.

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