Snow storm

I’ve been up since 4:30 am watching the news about the snow that’s been coming down since yesterday evening and shows no letting up. Yesterday we got an e-mail at work saying that if any of our town’s schools were closed, our office was closed, so I’ve been watching the school closings like a hawk because I really don’t want to venture outside.

Joe just left for work because as a supervisor he can’t just not show up. I’m worried about him as he drives far as it is and there are lots of cars in ditches on the expressways. I’ve also been contemplating whether I should jump in the shower and get ready just in case. It’s not too horrible out right now, but it’s only going to get worse as the day goes on. Yet if the office is open, I don’t want to be the only person who doesn’t show up because that would look bad. Joe told me he doesn’t care; he doesn’t want me going out because he’d just worry. I have too much of a work ethic to just blow it off like that, though. While I don’t think anyone in my office would be angry at me for not coming in, I still feel like if the office is open, I should be there. I guess we’ll see what happens.

Update @ 5:05 am: Woo hoo! The high school by my work announced that it will be closed today, so now I don’t have to worry.

One Reply to “Snow storm”

  1. Lucky you! How much snow do you guys have? Schools are NEVER canceled around here. Honestly, I remember going in over a foot of snow because everything was still opened, it’s rather crappy. Last time we got 10″ and not a single hour of admin leave was granted at work!

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