Songs in Commercials

Ok, I just realized another big loss as a result of acquiring CDNow – they got rid of the forums. There was one where you could post about a particular commercial and find out the artist and song title used. I took advantage of that a lot, so it sucks that it’s gone. I’ve been searching online for over a half hour and the closest I can come to What’s That Tune?, but it’s for the UK and they don’t necessarily have the same commercials as the US. So now what? I gotta find out what that song is in the newest Canon Powershot commercial. I swear it’s the same song they used for the John Doe theme song, even though Joe doesn’t agree. Help!

One Reply to “Songs in Commercials”

  1. Load up an installation of phpbb (some php forum thing) and start your own commercial music forum. My attempt at being motivational.

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