Scattergories Meme

Here’s a cute meme my cousin forwarded me:

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following…They must be real places, names, things. If you can’t think of anything, skip it.

Your Name: Nicole

1. Famous Singer: New Order
2. 4-letter word: Nice
3. Street name: North Ave.
4. Color: Neutral ;)
5. Gifts/presents: Notebook computer
6. Vehicle: Nissan Altima
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop:
8. Boy Name: Nick
9. Girl Name: Noelle
10. Movie Title: Never Been Kissed
11. Drink:
12. Occupation: Nurse
13. Flower:
14. Celebrity: Nicholson, Jack
15. Magazine: Newsweek
16. US City: Nashville
17. Pro Sports Teams: New York Giants
18. Something found in a kitchen: Nut cracker
19. Reason for Being Late: Never get ready in time
21. Things You Shout: Never again!
22. Cartoon character:
23. Animal: Newt
24: Favorite Thing to Do: Not telling you ;)
25: Food: Nuts