I’m too young to die

I think I had a brush with death twice this weekend. Not really, but isn’t being melodramatic fun?

However, I do think I may have “overdosed” on caffeine yesterday. Between the migraine medication I took, and the frappachino and colas I drank, I must have had more caffeine in my body than normal. I was lying on the couch last night, reading a book, when all of a sudden I felt like I was going to die. My heart was racing, my chest felt tight, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I’ve experienced similar symptoms in the past when I used to suffer from occasional panic attacks, but hadn’t felt that way for years. And usually when I did, I would be thinking about something that upsets or scares me. So it didn’t make sense why I’d feel that way while reading a non-violent book. Unfortunately, it took me a few hours to feel normal again, and by that time it was 2:30 am.

Today we were coming out of the library, which is directly behind the police and fire stations, and the emergency siren starting going off. I thought my eardrum was going to burst. We skipped going to Blockbuster as planned, and went straight home. We turned on the Weather Channel to learn that there was a threat of violent thunderstorms and tornados in the area. We didn’t hear the sirens again, but the emergency messages came up at least twice more during the course of the day.

And now the “exciting” weekend is over and it’s time to go back to work. Incidentally, we borrowed The Guru from the library and it was much more enjoyable than Legally Blonde 2.

One Reply to “I’m too young to die”

  1. i liked The Guru for the most part, but i’m not a big Heather Graham fan. she came off as very cardboardy to me. she was very cardboardy to me in the Austin Powers movie, too. i only liked the ending of The Guru, when they were all in that cute dance sequence.

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