Charlotte Sometimes

Well, as usual I’ve neglected my blog. It’s not that nothing has been going on – more like too much has been going on and I’ve been too tired to sit down and write about it. Let’s see …

Friday night (the 3rd) we went to a pool party where most of the men proceeded to get drunk. One lit firecrackers from his butt (no joke) and some of them decided to strip down to their skivvies and jump in the pool, proving that alcohol does warm the blood as it was not terribly warm outside by that point. There was more than one beer run made (with a designated driver, of course) and the girls, who weren’t drinking at all, made a run for marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate and made s’mores on the host’s cool fire pit.

Saturday (the 4th) we were up bright and early to head to Darien to see Joe’s son’s in the annual 4th of July parade (he plays bass drum in the band). It was rainy and cool so it was not the best time ever, unfortunately. After the parade we took the kids back to our place for a bit before heading over to my parents’ to hang out, eat, and play games. Then we headed back toward the kids’ neighborhood to check out the fireworks before going our separate ways.

The rest of the week fly by in the blur thanks to lots going on at work and having two rats who desperately want to run around the house for at least an hour every night. Templeton is definitely the naughty one – he’s obsessed with climbing over the gate that is preventing him from getting behind the couch so that he can crawl under it. No matter how many times I pick him up and try to distract him, he runs right back over there. So we took some empty boxes and Joe made a barrier with them. They are too tall for either of the rats to climb over and once we get the entire living area surrounded by our homemade gates, we will even be able to let Oreo run around (separately, since the rats could harm her) without fear of her getting under the couch or behind the furniture.

Earlier in the week we got a shipment of painted lady caterpillars in the mail (care of a kit we bought) and as of this morning all five of them have formed a chrysalis and will soon become butterflies. I’ve wanted to do this for years as it’s a very interesting process to watch. Too bad once they are butterflies they will only live two weeks. We’ll probably keep them for just a day or two and then release them so they can enjoy their short little lives.

Today I awoke to a welcome surprise – a notice from AT&T that my iPhone has shipped. I couldn’t be more excited! I was really starting to worry I wouldn’t get it before the 20th when the kids are coming to stay for a week (and I’ve got a few days off). We’re going to Indiana Beach one of those days and since both kids love riding the swings over and over I’ll now have something to entertain me.

The kids are with us this weekend so we might be heading to the pool later on once my brother gets here. Joe and I went to the pool last Sunday and I got burned even though I put on sunscreen. We’ve lived here nearly five years and I think that’s the first time I’ve actually gone in the pool. I’ve been poolside a few times but I don’t think I’ve ever gone in before because I was heavier and felt uncomfortable being half naked in front of other people.

Downloaded apps: 57 and counting
Current phrase: “My iPhone is coming!!! Woohoo!”