Louie Louie Louie

There are so many reasons I love Louie CK, and what a jerk he can be happens to be one of those reasons.

I bought one of his stand-up specials this morning to listen to on the way into work but I had forgotten my password in order to log in and download it, so I clicked the “forgot password” link and got directed to a page that says “Oh my god you’re an idiot. Give us your email address, and we’ll send you a new one.” So I entered my email address and within 30 seconds I get this email:

Apparently you forgot your password? Ok, so here’s your new one, stupid:


Here’s the login page in case you forgot that too:


And the password includes an insult in it. I love that man! Now go download his material. I particularly like the stuff about twenty-year-olds on the Live at Carnegie Hall special. I was laughing out loud like a moron driving on the expressway this morning. It’s similar to this bit from his show, although even more intense, so you should download it now.