Annoyances & Lovelies

Don’t you hate it …

  • when you feel like chatting, but no one is online?
  • that you feel like you are overrun with clutter, mostly of the paper nature?
  • when your own credit card company sends you junk mail encouraging you to sign up for their platinum card, which is the one you already have?
  • that working out takes up the majority of your free time after work?
  • when you can’t find the one baseball cap you own, and have never actually worn?
  • when you have to pay a $2.50 mailing fee for Cubs tickets, that aren’t mailed to you for a month, and the postage stamp shows 37¢?
  • when you’re trying to watch your weight and someone at work has chinese food at their desk and you start drooling?
  • when you buy a three-pack of underwear and one pair is sewn all funky (thank-you, Hanes Her Way)?
  • when your boyfriend yells “Goddamit!” and throws down his PS2 controller in frustration over a stupid game (no less than 10 times in four hours)?
  • that your upstairs neighbor slams the toilet lid every time they flush, sometimes at 3:25 am so that you are jolted awake?

Don’t you love it …

  • when a friend (thanks Brian!) shows you how to do something in Word and with that knowledge you redesign a form your company uses and your boss and the Director like it so much they immediately send it out as a replacement for the older, crappier form?
  • when it finally warms up outside and you can open the patio door and get a cool breeze at night that has that spring-like scent to it?
  • that your co-workers and friends think you’re such a good photographer that they constantly hound you to make a career out of it?
  • that your creative boyfriend comes up with a catchy title for your digital print-selling site? (currently in development)
  • that there are a million interesting books out there to read, and it doesn’t have to cost you a cent?
  • when you have a big vacation to plan and look forward to?
  • when you have anything at all, big or small, to look forward to?
  • when you eat like a pig and still lose weight? (this happens rarely, unfortunately)
  • that your boyfriend is ultra-sexy, not to mention the nicest man you’ve ever been with?
  • that life is good, even with annoyances? =)