
Ok, so what did you think of the season finale of Joey?

Am I the only one who thinks it’s going to end up being the series finale? I just don’t see this show coming back next season even though I do like the characters. It’s lacking something, and they had to ruin the one thing they had going: the subtle sexual tension between Joey and Alex. Side note: Isn’t Andrea Anders just adorable? She reminds me of a blonde, more petite version of Rachel Ray.

Anyway, I think this show has become too predictable. I knew Michael was dating a much older women, I knew Sara was going to be gone when Joey brought over his gift, and I knew Alex and Joey were going to kiss. It was so obvious. But where do they go from there? What will next season, if there is one, bring? They should have taken notes from one of my favorite shows of my youth: Who’s The Boss? The tension between Tony and Angela lasted for years and the show only lost its appeal once they finally hooked up.