Organized files and Puzzle League

For me there’s an internal struggle on the weekends between feeling productive and getting an appropriate amount of relaxation. If I sit around too much I feel like I wasted time and energy I usually lack during the week that I could have spent on projects and the like. However, if I do too much cleaning and otherwise non-fun stuff, I feel like I never get a break. Finding a balance is tough. I think today I did quite well as I did a little laundry and finally finished the overhaul of our filing I began last weekend. It went from looking like this to this. Not only does it look more organized, it should be easier to file paperwork in their appropriate folders.

Now all I have to focus on the rest of the evening is playing games with the kids and finding time for my latest addiction: Puzzle League. I rented the GBA version of Dr. Mario from Gamefly and Puzzle League came with it. I tried it and have been hooked ever since, even going so far as to order it at when I ordered a handful of DS games on behalf of my brother. Now I’ve also learned that a DS version of the game is coming out later this year. I can’t wait! I’ve been sneaking upstairs and playing in the bathroom while the kids are here since they don’t know about the DS. I haven’t played Dr. Mario since the day the game came in either.

2 Replies to “Organized files and Puzzle League”

  1. I can so relate to the struggle for balance. I don’t seem to do such a great job at finding it most of the time. Yesterday was a good example. I have Fridays off and had grand plans of productive things to do, but didn’t feel so great and kept taking naps. I was really aggravated with myself.

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