Friday I decided to give the whole house a good cleaning but in the end I only cleaned the downstairs because I spent three hours scrubbing the tile in the kitchen. I used Mr. Clean and a toothbrush on the grout and now it’s cleaner than it’s been since we moved in, possibly even before that.
In the photo below, the left side is still dirty and the right side is clean.

I had to use Nature’s Miracle on the spots where Wookie’s crate and playpen are since they smelled like urine. I’d like to tackle it once more before we using grout sealer to hopefully stop it from getting so dirty and smelly in the future.
My brother, B, stopped by after work and we had a nice personal discussion about our relationship. He told me about how some of the things I do hurt his feelings and I told him the same. I think we came out of it understanding each other a little better which was good. We went to Culvers for dinner and then made a brief stop at Starbucks so I could sell this perfume I’ve been trying to get rid of for months. Glad to get rid of something I’ll never use again and get a bit of money back too!
Saturday morning I opened my presents from Joe. He always does such a nice job wrapping.

Plus he’s really good at picking out gifts: I love everything!

From left to right:
Popstar – Never Stop Never Stopping movie
Popstar – Never Stop Never Stopping cd soundtrack
Cured by Lol Tolhurst
Erasure – Remixed
Underworld – Barbara Barbara We Face A Shining Future
New Order – Power, Corruption, and Lies
Not pictured – Sea Grass tealights from Pier One
We listened to the Popstar CD (which is hilarious) on the way to Abby’s Breakfast & Lunch in St. Charles where I ordered their delicious eggs benedict. We planned to see Moana with the free ticket I received for my birthday, but after breakfast my stomach was bothering me so we skipped the movie and swung by Jamba Juice for my free small smoothie (which I put in the freezer to have a different day). We stopped at home for a bit before heading to Starbucks so Joe could get a vanilla latte on my account (which was free for my birthday) and then Target for some necessities. We played with Wookie for awhile after getting back before heading to Portillo’s for a late lunch. I had a chopped salad and Joe had an Italian beef. We shared an order of fries and a slice of chocolate cake (free) and it was only $6 out of pocket since I received a $10 gift card from my employer as a birthday treat. Afterwards I picked up a free scoop of ice cream from Baskin Robbins which I stuck in the freezer for a later date. Gotta love all the birthday freebies!
Sunday morning we used my free movie ticket to see Moana. Wow, what a great movie! Disney cartoons are the best. It’s funny how we’re always the only people who stay to watch the scenes after the credits, though. Also, I had forgotten how much I don’t really care for Classic Cinemas anymore. We only went because of the free ticket since the theater we usually go to is closer, cheaper by fifty cents per ticket, and is evenly heated. The theater kept getting really cold, then really warm. It was annoying.
We stopped by Walmart after the show to get a couple of new toys for Wookie and some frozen broccoli florets since theirs taste way better than any of the other brands we’ve purchased.
After lunch Joe fixed the pipes under the kitchen sink. Initially it was one leaking but once he replaced that another piece broke so he had to go back out to replace that part. Isn’t that always the way?
We were too lazy to go out after that so I made tacos for dinner and we watched some things off the DVR. Yea, we have one again with a new cable company. We also have all the channels again too. The only thing we don’t have? The time to watch much!