Wookie is on the mend after having diarrhea for a few days.
Below is a screenshot of the timeline I put together for the vet (which we saw on Friday the 17th) since they’re still doing curbside service and you cannot go inside the building with your pet. They made a copy for her chart.
They sent her home with medication and special canned food (which smelled bad because it contained liver; so of course she loved it).

Her poop is still soft, but nothing like before, so I think it’s going to take some time for her to get back to normal even though she’s eating her regular food again.
We still don’t know what caused her to get sick, though. The vet felt the white item was a piece of rawhide. She also said the hostas weren’t dangerous, nor was the new floor cleaner. I’m a bit skeptical about the hostas, since many websites state they’re toxic to dogs, so I chopped the flowering part of them off so they don’t hang over the sidewalk by the front door anymore, and I swept up the remaining flowers.
Updated to add this story I can’t believe I forgot to write about:
At one point during Wookie’s sickness I took her potty pad upstairs to clean it from the runny diarrhea that had gotten on the plastic grates.
I was walking from the kitchen into the dining room when I slipped and fell. Luckily I caught myself and was not injured but my head got dangerously close to the corner where the kitchen and dining room walls meet.
What did I slip on? Dog shit. Apparently Wookie pooped on the carpet in front of the microwave and I stepped right in it. Her potty pad was upstairs drying, although the larger bin was still there with a pad in it but I guess it was too different for her to want to poop there so she chose the carpet. In any case, I had poop on my slippers, pajama pants, and all over the floors and rug. Yay! I threw the clothing into the washer and thanks to the miracle of Woolite pet stain cleaner, plus the Bissell Green Machine, I was able to get the poop out of the rug.
This was runny greasy poop too which made it even worse. Explained why I thought I smelled poop before I slipped though!
In hindsight, it was pretty comical how i slipped and fell, like that scene in Night At The Roxbury where Doug slips (which makes me laugh out loud every time even though I’ve seen it at least 50 times).