We both got our passports in December, although mine came over a week after Joe’s even though my application was submitted prior to his.
We also had to pay a $35 speeding ticket that was issued for the day we went to Lincoln Park Zoo in October. Apparently there are speed cameras all along Irving Park Rd. Now, Joe was in fact speeding, so I’m not angry about that. What I am angry about is they sent a warning a few days before sending a ticket for the same day. How is it a warning exactly if you’re still going to issue a ticket? Yes, they were for different locations, but all part of Irving Park Rd. If you’re trying to warn people about the strict speed limit on a particular road, shouldn’t they get a free pass for that entire day, thus getting enough time to actually receive said warning? Seems logical to me, but not to the city of Chicago, thus rendering the “warning” useless. I saw on Reddit where people were saying the whole speed trap near parks is a bunch of bullshit anyway because the city is loose on the definition of a park; it includes an empty lot that happens to have grass on it. In any case, we won’t be taking the “scenic” route home again. It not only takes longer with all the lights, but the traffic is pretty heavy, which makes being able to “speed” pretty hard to begin with (he was 6 mph over, which is the bare minimum for a ticket).
12/02 (Mon) – Put out the new Christmas welcome mat we snagged at Lowes in November.

12/04 (Wed) – Watched my Spotify Wrapped and wasn’t the least bit surprised that my top two artists – The Cure and Sofi Tukker – haven’t changed.
12/05 (Thu) – Put up the Christmas tree, and I mean that loosely because the lights and ornaments didn’t make it on the tree until 12/14.
12/07 (Sat) – My bestie’s birthday party. Always a fun time because her friends are fun to talk to, as is her brother, well usually. But for some reason he felt the need to go on what felt like a ten minute lecture about why he doesn’t like The Cure, because of Robert Smith’s voice in particular, after I mentioned they were my favorite band. It was rather uncomfortable, but K and I had a good laugh about it later because he truly didn’t mean to be offensive.
We had Shake Shack for lunch earlier in the day. It was our first visit to the relatively new location in our neighborhood, thanks to a “deal” through T-Mobile Tuesday, if you can call it that. Even with a free burger each, our total OOP was still $12 for two burgers, fries, and a lemonade. Regular price would have been nearly $30! Totally not worth it, either. None of the food was all that great, so I can’t see us ever going there again.
That morning I finally located the Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes ice cream at Dollar Tree of all places.

I had to reach out to the manufacturer, Hudsonville, to ask if they were being sold because they weren’t listed on their site, or on Walmart’s site, and they used to be a Walmart exclusive. They replied back with a list of stores which did not include Walmart. I’m glad, because I’m still boycotting Walmart. The last time we shopped there was in early June. If they don’t care to respond to my feedback about my poor experience in their store, then they don’t care if they lose me as a customer I guess. Although to be fair, I will probably buy more leggings from them at some point since so far I like their No Boundaries brand of leggings the best. But I’ve done my best to not buy anything else from them whereas we used to shop there at least once a month. Suck it, Walmart!
12/09 (Mon) – Won 100 stars via the Starbucks For a Year sweepstakes which was enough for a free handcrafted drink (which Joe used for a latte on 12/28).

Found the best cold brew coffee (which only our local grocery store, Woodman’s, carries) which pairs perfectly with Aldi’s peppermint iced mocha “coffee” which tastes more like flavored milk. It gave me just the right amount of peppermint without aggravating my acid reflux and I didn’t have to deal with Dunkin who can’t seem to make a good iced coffee these days if their lives depended on it.

Also learned there had been a Happy Endings podcast that was now on Spotify.

Very timely, as Joe and I just finished a re-watch of Happy Endings. Every time we watch it I’m so sad it was cancelled after only three seasons. Or more like two and a half since the first season was shorter than normal. They were truly ahead of their time. It’s no surprise that some of the writers on that show also wrote for my favorite show of all time, Brooklyn Nine Nine.
12/10 (Tue) – I’ve been searching for a green hoodie, so we went to Savers for the first time in probably a year. It was a total bust. We looked at clothing, as well as other items, and nothing was appealing. Painted Tree and Half Price Books were a bust as well.
The way they lock up the expensive vinyl records at HPB really bugs me.

See how narrow the slot is to flip through the records? Like they couldn’t have made that bigger but still small enough to stop anyone from pulling out a record. Plus they pack the box so full it’s difficult to even look at each record. I don’t bother with that box anymore because it’s too infuriating.
Tried some discount chicken strips (thanks to T-Mobile Tuesday) from Popeyes. They were pretty good, and easy to reheat in the air fryer. The breading on them reminds me of Long John Silvers, although the boneless wings (without sauce) taste even more like LJS’ chicken planks.
12/14 (Sat) – We decided to have a Polish feast for lunch, so we visited two different Polish delis to collect all the good things at each. I wish the deli closest to us had the best food, but unfortunately thus far the only thing they have that is better than the one further away is their stuffed cabbage. And truthfully, I think my own stuffed cabbage rivals both places. Too bad I’m so lazy about making it!
Finally finished the tree. Decided to switch things up this year with multicolor lights, a hodgepodge of ornaments, and the tree collar flipped opposite than usual.

12/18 (Wed) – I heard a rumor that Costco is switching to Coke products in their cafe. Guess I won’t be getting food from them anymore. I know I’m the minority, but I love Pepsi and it’s getting ridiculous how hard it is to come by a good fountain Pepsi these days. Culver’s had the best before they switched. Taco Bell’s is watered down garage. What a bummer.
12/19 (Thu) – Baked maraschino cherry chocolate chip cookies for the first time. While they didn’t come out looking anything like the recipe, they were quite tasty, so I will be making them again. In retrospect, I should have known something was off looking at the recipe photo.

Without red food coloring, there is no way to make the cookies that pink color. And there’s also no way with the amount of cherries called for to get such a large chunk of them in a cross-section. False advertising!
The recipe made 50 cookies, so I put some in the freezer along with the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I baked earlier in the month (in order to give some to my bestie for her birthday).
And this is what they actually looked like:

I think it’s safe to say looking at Nintendo’s year in review that I am not a console gamer.

I do enjoy playing the Nintendo Switch, so I’m not sure why I do it so infrequently. I play Disney’s Tsum Tsum game on my phone and iPad quite often, though. It’s too bad Apple doesn’t do a gaming year in review. I’d be really curious to see how much time I spend playing that game.
12/20 (Fri) – I quickly became addicted to these mini cranberry orange bisconies from Costco.

Although I think they should be called scuffins instead because they’re more like a cross between a scone and a muffin and not a biscotti and a scone like they claim. The funny thing is, I suggested we try them because Joe likes the cranberry orange Belvita biscuits, but I think I ended up liking them more than he did.

We decided to stay home on Christmas Eve this year instead of going to my parents. There were multiple reasons for this, not the least of which feeling depressed over Wookie’s absence, and getting anxious over the thought of being on the road during a time when people are more abt to drink and drive.
I made my famous three cheese grits casserole for breakfast and for early dinner we pulled leftover mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and cranberry sauce from the freezer (originally made at Thanksgiving) and added a 1.5 lb pre-sliced ham.

It was so good! Flavorful, not too fatty, and easy to heat up by the slice. I swear we’re just going to get one of them moving forward even if we have company in future years. It was plenty for several people.
Christmas Day was much of the same after we exchanged gifts, including watching multiple movies. I got Joe some grey sweatpants (IYKYK), a set of silicone tool trays, and a pour over coffee maker. He got me two bird shirts (which I’m going to exchange for a different fit), a bird calendar, and a set of 30 something buttons featuring The Cure.

After all the electronics spending recently (computer, TV, iPad) we decided not to go crazy on a present exchange this year.
Dinner was nearly identical to Christmas Eve except with the addition of green beans.

12/27 (Fri) – Got annoyed with Amazon’s subscribe and save which thought it made sense to double up on one of my items just because I kept pushing back the delivery. I assumed when I changed the delivery date it would be smart enough to know that was for a single item and not to send me two, but I guess it is more profitable if they pull that crap instead, right? Needless to say, I cancelled the subscribe and save on that as well as one other item that I probably don’t need on a strict schedule either.
Once my Paramount+ and Showtime discounted rate ends in February and we’re finished watching the latest Dexter prequel, whichever comes later, I am once again cancelling Amazon Prime. It’s $144 annually for what exactly? Free shipping you can get if your order is $35 or more even if you’re not a Prime member? Sure, you get Prime Video, but half the stuff in there is an extra rental fee and they now play commercials before a movie and multiple times during unless you pay them even more money. F that! There is nothing I need to watch that bad that I can justify paying them so much. We managed last year from March through November not having Prime and we can do it again. When I signed up it defaulted to the monthly subscription so I’m fairly certain we won’t be stuck with them a full year.
12/28 (Sat) – Found out I was one of the winners of the fall photography contest held by our birding club. The prize was bragging rights.

That afternoon we went to my bestie’s place to exchange Christmas gifts. I got her multiple items, but the funniest is she got me the complete series of Brooklyn Nine Nine on DVD, which I almost got for her, but I know she hates getting up to change discs, so I gave her a USB drive with the entire series on it instead, amongst other TV shows she likes. She should be able to watch them through her PS5.
12/29 (Sun) – Picked up some Christmas lights that were 50% off at Home Depot. We grabbed a few different style/lengths to try as a replacement for the ones we had around the patio door all year before I had the audacity to take them down in early December to put up multi-colored lights instead. When I put the previously flawlessly functioning lights back up, they wouldn’t turn on. We couldn’t find a loose bulb, and replacing the fuse did nothing. Such a bummer as they were the perfect length (approximately 25 feet). The replacement we ultimately chose to use (an incandescent set) are only 21 feet in length. I just didn’t care for the LED set (which was 28 feet long) because they seemed so bright even though they were a nice warm light. I cannot stand the pure white light LEDs that some people use.
I reached my reading goal this year with only two days to spare!

I always start the year out strong, even getting ahead of schedule, but once the weather warms up it goes downhill because I’d rather be out in nature or editing my photos. Next thing you know I’m behind on my reading and feel pressured to race through books to reach the goal I set. Therefore for 2025 I’m going to set a really low goal of 10 books so that I can enjoy reading when the mood strikes me without any self-induced pressure. I want to enjoy reading and not feel like it’s a chore.
12/30 (Mon) – Cleaned our seed bird feeder after hearing there’s an avian flu going around. It seems to be primarily affecting waterfowl, but the feeder needs regular cleaning anyway and it had been three weeks since I last did it. I don’t want my lovely birds getting sick!
12/31 (Tue) – Joe picked up a Mike’s Hot Honey pizza from Lou Malnati’s and we enjoyed a movie. Afterwards we flipped through some of the streaming services that were broadcasting live New Year’s Eve content, but it was all terribly boring, including Peacock’s year in review show hosted by Kevin Hart and Kenan Thompson. The fireworks around the world broadcast was interesting for a short time, but overall it was lame. Joe was falling asleep on the couch by 9:30 and we moved upstairs where he went to bed while I surfed online and chatted with my brother until the fireworks died down around 12:30 am. And I wish nothing but stubbed toes every day in 2025 for the person who thought blowing off more fireworks at 1:15 am was a good idea.
Notable movies this month:
The Advent Calendar (2021) – Really enjoyed trying to guess where things were going in this Christmas horror movie.

Secret Santa (2018) – Yet another horror film centered around the holiday. This one turned brutal, but it was also quite engaging.
It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) – Most people are familiar with and have seen this movie before, and I thought I was one of them, but it turns out I only remember the very last part of the movie and don’t think I had ever seen the movie from start to finish. It’s quite good.
Carry-on (2024) – Were there are a lot of inaccuracies between airport operations and how planes work? Yes. Was it engaging regardless? Also yes. And honestly, isn’t that the ultimate goal of any movie, to be entertained? And I was.
Juror #2 (2024) – This one really made you think what you’d do in the main character’s situation. My biggest gripe was how they left the ending open to interpretation.
Ricky Stanicky (2024) – I’m really loving John Cena in comedic roles, and this movie was no exception. Sometimes a stupid fun comedy is just what you need.

They Came Together (2014) – I was recently listening to Max Greenfield on the Happy Endings podcast when he mentioned working with Jason Mantzoukas on a movie. I took to IMBD to track down the movie in question which was this. It seemed familiar, but also not, and had a lot of actors I like so I gave it a shot. It was a little more slapstick-y than I care for, but still entertaining enough. The most disappointing part was how normal Jason Mantzoukas’ character was in it. He truly shines when he plays an insane person.