Working out

I actually worked out for a whole half hour today on the elliptical machine. I know, I can barely believe it myself.

I can’t tell you the last time I exercised at all. Probably before August. I haven’t been motivated whatsoever because I’m at the weight I want to be so I wasn’t in a big hurry to get back to exercising. Plus I’m so mentally and physically tired after work that I have no desire to move.

Today was different because I started getting a migraine before leaving work so I took one of those Excedrin Migraine pills with the caffeine in it. Woo, energy! I came home and actually felt motivated. I really do need to get back in shape. When I had a stress test last year they told me that while my heart was fine it was not as strong as it should be for a person of my age. Couple that with the article I read today about how work stress is directly related to heart disease and that’s some scary shit. I’m going to do my best to get back into a routine with the help of Season 1 of The L Word. I think there’s at least two other seasons I need to buy before I’m caught up (I started watching last year) so that should give me motivation to work out at least a few times a week.

One Reply to “Working out”

  1. I started going to the gym this week, and I actually went twice! I took a different class each time, and am excited for Sunday when I’ll try a third class.

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