Sunday Bloody Sunday

It’s been another lazy day at Nicole and Joe’s “bachelor pad” thanks in part to my ailing tummy. I was up twice during the night with stomach cramps and didn’t feel like getting out of bed when the alarm went off at 7:30 am. We had planned to visit Rockford, IL but went back to bed instead. We didn’t drag our lazy butts out of bed until 11 am.

Once we finally got going we went and had my car washed, visited a few nature spots to take some photos (why have I lost my photo-taking passion lately? It’s really beginning to bug me), and stopped at the Schaumburg library to get a couple of cds. That’s it.

Fun Sunday, huh? I know I’m going to regret it when I go back to work tomorrow. Why is it when I’m at work, I’m constantly thinking about all the great stuff I could be doing if I was just home, and once I’m home, I don’t do much?

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