How cool is it that it’s just after 9 am and we’re already done with our errands for the day? We had breakfast, then hit Walmart, Meijer, Blockbuster, and the bank. It could be because we’ve been up since 4:15 am so we could watch a 5:30 am hot-air balloon launch at the Eyes to the Skies Balloon Festival. Sometimes Joe likes to moan about my ideas, particularly if it involves getting out of bed at the butt-crack of dawn, but he enjoyed himself, as did I.
Right now I’m working on downloading the 350+ photos I took so I can go through them and weed out the good ones. It’s going to be a lovely, high-70’s day in Chicagoland. It’s beautiful out right now, in fact, and we’ve got the windows open to let the fresh air in.