Are you ready for some baseball?

White Sox Tickets On the way home from work, Joe stopped at the White Sox box-office to buy tickets with the gift card he had been given for Christmas.

The story goes, he plunked down his card at the window and told the woman, “I want two tickets for the best seats $50 can buy”. Her response, “do you have somebody to go with?” Oh no she just didn’t! I think she was hitting on my man. But who could blame her? He is hawt!

Anyway, I had printed out a schedule for dear hubby and highlighted which games I’d be willing to attend based on these three factors:

1) Possible weather – As in no more games in the month of May. You’d think “May is nice. It’s getting warm but it’s not too hot”. Wrong. May sucks. It’s cold and windy, particularly if you happen to be at a Cubs game with that breeze off the lake. Plus does Wrigley Field have the worst hot chocolate ever or what? I could get better shit from a pouch. I throw up a little in my mouth just thinking about it. Which is why we’re going to a White Sox game. They are the better team, after all.

2) Day of week – As in no more weeknight games, particularly in the month of May (what is with that month??). Who wants to get off from a stressful day of work only to fight hellish traffic, sit under bright lights, drive home after 10 pm and go to work the next day? Not I. Been there, done that. I may sound old here, but I do have a bedtime you know.

3) Kids free weekend – Is it bad that I want to go to a game with my husband alone? The kids have been to games with their mom and step-dad so I don’t feel too guilty about it. Plus they aren’t the outdoorsy types. They’d be happier at home in front of a Playstation or Gamecube.

So while I won’t tell you which exact game we’ll be attending (I don’t want to encourage you stalker types), I will say it’s during a warm month on a Saturday afternoon and I’m looking forward to it.

2 Replies to “Are you ready for some baseball?”

  1. Funny, your feed cut off at “Her response,” so I thought you were going to tell us they wouldn’t accept the giftcard. Heh.

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