I love my library

Canvas Library Bag Do you support your local library? I do. Well, kinda. Actually, I support the library of the neighboring town because I don’t like my town’s library. It is poorly designed, the selection is terrible, and they lost half the items I returned the first time I ever used them!

So I’ve been using the other library exclusively since last year. I’d consider myself a voracious reader as I visit the library at least once a week and read several books within a month.

One thing I like to do when I frequently use a library is purchase a canvas bag from them. I guess I could just use the bag I purchased from the library I previously used, but something about that seems wrong to me. Plus that money goes toward the library and I want them to do well so they will continue to have new books for me to check out.

When I think about all the books I’ve read in this year alone, I imagine it would equal hundreds of dollars had I purchased them. So $8 for a bag is nothing. This library in particular has an even better bag than the library in my old town because this bag is larger and it zips closed. I guess you could call me an organizational junkie, but I like this because I keep the library books on the bottom shelf of the table in our foyer and it looks neater with them hidden in the bag.

One Reply to “I love my library”

  1. I’ve been having a Love-Hate relationship with mine over the last 3-4 years. They keep changing the rules, have closed one more day a week to cover for the budget shortfall (I think mainly due to doling out support/svcs for all our illegals…), but oddly enough they keep the staff AND still have money to buy self-checkout machines?!

    So I can log onto the web, reserve my books, help myself to the ones that have come in and check myself out. So why do they still need a full staff?

    And mine has also lost several books. One recently and they want me to foot the bill for all the “late fees”, but the replacement cost of the book. Um, excuse me. I didn’t lose the freakin’ book.

    I may have to start using the one in the next county.

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