Countdown to 24: Less than an hour

24 Less than an hour before the premiere of season six and I’m feeling very antsy, especially because we are waiting until just after 8 pm to start watching so we avoid the agony of commercials. We’re ordering Lou Malnati’s deep dish pizza in a bit, then we’re going to watch the 24 E! True Hollywood Story before starting the premiere. I sure hope it lives up to all the hype. Feel the power of Bauer!

Countdown to 24: 4 days to go

24 Season 5 We finished Season 5 of 24 tonight. Damn is it good! No wonder I fell in love with the show last January. I am so psyched for Sunday now! I’ve got a 24 cast interview with Larry King waiting on the DVR thanks to Jodi at Snarky Dork. She left me a message on Flickr to let me know it was airing. Thanks Jodi! I will probably watch it tomorrow since I have a huge headache at the moment.

Have you seen the latest issue of TV Guide magazine? Ooo-la-la, Kiefer is on the cover. Not only did my husband tease me about it, but my friend at work brought in her copy since she didn’t realize I have a subscription (thanks to my Mom). TV Guide The article inside says, “Jack goes into an emotional tailspin in Episode 4 after he’s forced to kill a familiar character during a standoff”. Hmmmm … any guesses who that could be? My gut reaction is Curtis since he’s the only familiar character that would be caught up in a standoff. I could be wrong, though. I guess I’ll find out Monday night.

The only thing that sucks is having to watch only one episode at a time after the two-night premiere. That is going to kill me. Rest assured, I will be posting after every new episode so if you’re not into the show (and how could you not be?) you might want to skip those entries altogether.


Jack Bow-wow-er You may recognize that little guy in the photo. He’s been around for a few years, but never had a name, until yesterday. Meet Jack Bow-wow-er. Um yea, I’m a bit obsessed with 24 at the moment. We even went to the evil incarnate known as Best Buy last night and bought Season 5 on DVD. What can I say? Joe had a $50 gift card from his boss and it was only $19.99. This is our first 24 box set; all the others we borrowed from friends. We want to refresh our memories before Season 6 begins in two weeks. I am so psyched to be watching this season again even though I can’t stand President Logan. No one will ever top President Palmer; not even a real life president the way things have been going.

So getting back to Jack Bow-wow-er. You see, he’s a little rascal. In the mornings Joe will often find him lounging on his side of the bed. Then when he goes to work, the little bugger ends up in my underwear drawer looking far too happy than a puppy should look. And after work he somehow makes it to a new destination. Yet I never see him do it, nor does Joe. It’s quite the mystery, which I suppose is to be expected from a CTU agent.

Still Storming

We’ve had rain ever since last night, so we’ve been hanging out in the hotel. I wanted to do a little laundry, but each floor only has one unit and it’s currently in use. We grabbed some of the complimentary breakfast the hotel offers this morning and took it back to the room. The hotel lobby and common areas are crowded since local news stations are advising that people stay indoors until the hurricane passes over Florida.

From what they’ve been saying that should be later today, so we might be able to go out tonight and get a proper dinner. We are so stupid that we ended up at a buffet last night and it didn’t occur to us until we had already paid that we should have gone somewhere nice to celebrate. Duh! See? It’s like we were already married so it didn’t really hit us how significant the day was. We ended up walking around Old Town last night but left when it started pouring. It’s been raining ever since.

You know the weather sucks when Disney World is closed. That’s right: all Disney parks and Universal parks are closed today. SeaWorld is still open but I can’t imagine anyone actually went there. We hadn’t planned on visiting any of the parks today anyway, so it’s not a big deal, but it is getting boring sitting around in the hotel room. We ended up watching three back to back episodes of 24 on A&E. Now we’re hooked on the show (never watched it before).

Tomorrow it’s only supposed to be in the upper 60’s and you should see how the weather forecasters are acting like it’s going to be freezing out. Frankly I think that will make it more comfortable walking around. I just hope it warms up some by Sunday when we’re supposed to swim with the dolphins.