Yesterday we went to a reptile swap to check out some hedgehogs. We’ve been mulling over the idea of getting one for over a month now. We’ve done research online, I’ve read books, and we trolled pet stores. Only one small mom and pop store had them, and the girl there recommended the swap because there are breeders there that have young hedgehogs. There were actually three booths that were selling them, and we got to hold some from two of them. They were a lot friendlier than I was expecting. Very cute too.
The only thing that’s preventing me from making a decision is the initial cost (a good $70 for the hedgehog alone plus another $100 or so for supplies) and the lack of an ideal place for the cage in our home. Hedgehogs require plenty of sunlight and a room temperature of about 70 degrees which is higher than the thermostat setting during the day while we’re at work or at night when we’re sleeping. There’s heating pads and whatnot that can be bought, but it’s another added expense. And when you come right down to it, a hedgehog still isn’t a cat or dog. So I’m torn. I want a pet, but I’m not sure I want the responsibility that goes along with it. I remember what a pain cleaning my hamsters’ cages were. At least with a cat the fun of having one around would outweigh the work. I’m not so sure the same could be said for a hedgehog even though they are really really cute. We’re limited in the type of pets we can have until Joe’s son is older, so a cat is out of the question.
Later in the evening we went to my parents’ to hang out and play games. We didn’t get home til midnight and I was exhausted. It was quite a busy day! We haven’t done anything today, which feels like a waste of a perfectly good day away from work. It’s snowing outside and Joe is working on installing the new faucets we bought for the downstairs and kids’ bathrooms. We’ll probably run out to Home Depot, Target, and Walgreens in a bit. Sundays just have an overall depressing feel to them. I wish every day was Saturday.
One of my cousin’s had a pet hedgehog, and it was actually a pretty good pet. However, I’m not a fan of pets that require special attention and care… I like the fact that a dog won’t let you forget to do something for them. If they’re hungry you’ll know, if they need walked, you’ll know. I don’t want to have to clean a cage, or anything beyond the stuff you have to do for a dog.