Battling on the DS

The thing I hate the most about Sunday nights, other than the weekend being over, is that I have a hard time getting to bed at a decent hour after staying up late two nights in a row. I know you’re supposed to stick to the same bedtime schedule on weekends, but who does that? Seriously.

I’m super jealous because Joe has tomorrow off and I do not and I know it’s going to be a busy week for me. Not only am I not as sleepy as I should be, but I have to go to bed alone because of course he’s going to stay up late. I’m all hyped up too because we just battled each other on the Nintendo DS. Yea, I convinced him to buy his own today so we played Mario vs. Lugi and Tetris for an hour. He was getting really pissed when I was beating him at Mario but not so much with Tetris. It’s really cool all the things you can do on the Tetris battle, like hold pieces for later use, cause the other person’s blocks to increase, and get various items like a banana that rearranges your opponent’s pieces or a star that makes you get all long pieces. It’s pretty addictive. If you don’t have a DS I highly recommend it. Interesting enough, I just read today that the DS is kicking the PSP’s ass in sales too. I’m not really surprised since I’ve always liked Nintendo games better than Playstation.

Oh well, I guess I should try to get to bed. Maybe if I read it will make me sleepy.

2 Replies to “Battling on the DS”

  1. I stick somewhat close to my normal schedule on weekends, but not exactly because I get up at 4:00 during the week! I am, however, usually up by 6:30 and in bed around 9:00 on weekends.

  2. It also has to do with the cost difference and the lack of good games for the PSP. These are the same reasons why I think the Nintendo Wii will kick the 360’s and the PS3’s asses. Less than half the cost of the high-end models of those two.


    Love the evil monkey, BTW.

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