No Shedd for us

Spring morning Good morning! So here’s something unusual: I’m awake and Joe is still in bed. I have been sticking to my weekend bedtime of 11 pm pretty religiously. Ok, that’s not entirely true. I went upstairs last night at 11 pm but I did spend twenty minutes playing my new DS rental, Magnetica, which is pretty fun. However, I couldn’t sleep past 7:30 this morning whereas Joe still stays up late so he’s going to sleep a little longer.

My back and legs are so sore today! I hate being a woman when it gets in the way of fun. You see, we were planning on going to the Shedd Aquarium today. In fact, we’ve been planning to go there for, oh, the past three months. We were originally going for my birthday in early January, but again, women issues got in the way. Then on the day we rescheduled we didn’t end up going because there was a playoff game (Bears) and we were afraid parking would be a nightmare. Turns out they closed the Shedd that day anyway! So then we had various other reasons: too cold outside (the walk from parking to the aquarium can be far depending on what lot you choose), prior obligations, etc. etc.

Suffice it to say, we are never going to visit at this rate. I don’t expect the day to be perfect, but for $27.50 per person (to see it all), I want my body and the weather to try and cooperate since there’s a lot of walking involved. So the trip has been postponed once more. I am praying for the final time, which will be two weeks from today. That will also give me ample time to clean my camera’s sensor. Or more like time for Joe to clean it, since I don’t trust myself with such a delicate operation.

2 Replies to “No Shedd for us”

  1. I like the Shedd Aquarium. My dad and I walked from the convention center to the aquarium and museum while we were in Chicago a few years ago and had fun while my mom was working. My dad loves aquariums, but it was a smidge expensive.

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