I recently finished reading Slash, an auto-biography by the bushy-haired guitarist from the original Guns N’ Roses. I saw him on a talk show a month ago and was surprised at how intelligent he came across, so when he mentioned the book I knew I was going to read it. It was long too!
I wasn’t disappointed, however, as the book is much more interesting than The Cure biography I purchased over a year ago and am only a quarter done with. I think it’s more interesting because it’s written from Slash’s point of view instead of an outside source.
And let me just say, wow, he didn’t hold back! He may be intelligent in many ways but really dumb about taking care of his health, or at least until July 2007 when he checked into rehab and finally got clean. I know the rock and roll world is full of drugs and alcohol, but damn, people really put themselves through the ringer, Slash included. Did you know he has a pacemaker because all his drinking literally destroyed his heart? At one point he was told he had no more than 6 weeks to live but miraculously his heart got better. Of course that didn’t stop him from going back to the drugs and alcohol but not to the same extent as before.
I never realized how disrespectful Axl Rose was toward his fans and band mates until reading this book. All the stories about how he’d go on stage super late, or not at all, had me shaking my head. And then there’s the famous incident in St. Louis when Axl walked off stage and the fans rioted and caused $200k in damage to the arena. Damn! I honestly don’t know how Slash put up with it as long as he did. How can anyone expect to be successful while being so irresponsible?
One of the interesting aspects of this book was Slash recounting the behavior of the other bands Guns toured with during the course of their career and their relationship, or lack thereof. Some of the bands hated each other while others got along nicely. Motley Crue had Guns open for them back when they were at the height of their career. The Crue was one of the few metal bands I really loved back in the day. I still have Dr. Feelgood and I love every song on that album. “Kickstart My Heart” is my absolute fave.
Slash also related how Guns toured with Metallica at one point. It was a double-billing and Metallica elected to go on stage first because they were aware of GNR’s (really Axl’s) reputation for going on late and didn’t want to get mixed up in that shit. Gives me a newfound respect for Metallica even if I still think Lars is a douche. ;)
After reading the book, I went to the library and borrowed Guns N’ Roses Greatest Hits and Contraband by Velvet Revolver, Slash’s current band. So far I’ve only listened to my two favorite Guns songs – “Paradise City” and “Welcome to the Jungle”. I think both are featured on Guitar Hero III, of which Slash is a character. I believe that was the main reason he was on the talk show in the first place besides trying to promote his book.
Listening to those old songs reminded me of this guy, Chris, who I went to grammar school with. He was infatuated with Guns N’ Roses and grew his hair out all long like Slash. I believe we even called him that which looking back on it now is hilarious. He’d draw lot and one of his favorite things was reproducing Guns N’ Roses’ logo. He was a really good artist from what I can remember, but I don’t think he pursued a career in art. Last I heard he was working at a pizza place.
“Take me down to a Paradise City where the girls are fat and they’ve got big titties” – original line Slash wanted to use.
I’ll have to recommend this book to my Mom. Guns N’ Roses is one of her favorite bands. Seriously.