Red white and blue bust

If you liked Legally Blonde, do yourself a favor and skip the sequel. I’m very surprised that Reese Witherspoon agreed to do it, considering how ridiculous the script was. Now, no one was expecting her to earn an Oscar for this role, least of all me, but come on! Elle Woods was much more intelligent in the first movie. She had her moments of valley-girl, but overall she was someone you could respect. Not this time around. I’m the type of person who enjoys the majority of movies I see, but I had to apologize more than once to Joe for dragging him along to see this waste of movie space. We should have seen 28 Days Later instead.

The funniest part was the prepubescent girl who was with her friends in the row in front of us, because she farted really loudly during the movie and they all started laughing.

One Reply to “Red white and blue bust”

  1. I agree, this script reeked. I still really like the character of Elle Woods, and Reese does her so well. I think Reese agreed to reprise the role because she figured it would be a hit (which it was), and she’s the movie’s executive producer. That’s pretty much all the reason she needed right there. But anyway, yeah, the sequel is rotten and a waste.

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