
Well, we lost the holiday decorating contest. :p

Honestly, I’m shocked. Now, I’m not one of those people who thinks their stuff is better than everyone else’s – if I see something that looks nicer, I will readily admit it. However, in this case I think we were screwed. We had a nice and interesting set-up, and while I knew who would get 1st place, I was certain we’d get 2nd place. Apparently I was wrong. It turns out the “judges” (ie office staff) prefer ridiculous to tasteful – everyone who won had too many lights and figures in a small space. It was overly cluttered and not designed well, if you ask me. But I guess in their world more is better. Oh well. I can tell you this – I’m not so sure we’ll compete next year if it requires putting way too many lights and ornaments all over the place. I think it’s tacky. You can keep your prizes, thanks.

Bitter much? Maybe just a little. :p

UPDATE: Here’s our setup … and here is the 1st place winner.

One Reply to “Lost”

  1. I do like yours better, but I think theirs is a little more festive because it has more of the Christmas colors in it. Yours is cool– I mean in cool COLORS, and theirs is warm with all sorts of red and stuff. So that’s probably why they won. But I agree with you about the clutter stuff!

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