
I did not want to get out of bed today; I was just too tired. But the weather forecast was nice, and we had two free passes to the zoo (we’re members, so Joe and I always get in free) and wanted to take the kids.

We got there just before it opened to ensure it wouldn’t be too crowded. In fact, we had the reptile house to ourselves, which was really nice. We walked around for an hour and a half and then the kids started asking to go home. Have you ever heard such a thing from a kid? Their mom has them too used to spending time indoors sitting around. We are going to get them out and moving this summer to try and build up their tolerance for the outdoors. Most kids have boundless energy because they are young and naturally in shape from all the running around they do. We have to toughen them up! :)

When we got home I took a nap. Yea, I’m talking about their laziness and I take a nap. I’m a hypocrite. I feel better after the nap, though. We’ve got chicken breast in the oven for dinner. We’re trying to get a bit away from hot dogs, mac & cheese, and chicken nuggets around here. Their mom feeds them enough crap, we figure we should be a better influence. It’s only two days every other week, but it might just help them out. I hope so!

Here’s two photos taken with my point-and-shoot Nikon:
#1 – Poisonous frog
#2 – Penguin