Women love shoes

I bought two pairs of black leather shoes at this place called the Shoe Department in the mall last night. The girl rang up the sale and tried to charge me $20 more than she should have. For whatever reason, neither pair rang up with the sale price. So she followed us back to the shelves to check the prices. First she tried to say that the shoes I has chosen weren’t the ones on sale. But Joe pointed out that she was wrong. Then she was perplexed why they rang up incorrectly since they supposedly update the computer in a timely manner. And then she sighed as she said “I’ll give you the sale price” as if she was doing me some huge favor. I had no problem leaving without the shoes. I wasn’t married to them.

So anyway, why is it that shoes feel comfortable in the store and then murder your feet when you get home? Honestly, it’s my fault for choosing a size too small. I wanted a snug fit, but I swear my right foot is larger than the left. Of course, I didn’t discover this until I was on my way to work, so I sat at my desk all day sans shoes. Thank goodness I don’t have stinky feet! I wiped the shoes off when I got home and will be taking them back for an exchange this weekend. Their policy states no worn shoes, but how would you know they needed to be returned if you hadn’t worn them at least a little bit? I’m not worried, though. I once wore a pair of Doc Martens for a week during a snowstorm and brought those in for a refund, so I can manage a little walking around the carpeted office.

One Reply to “Women love shoes”

  1. I think it was backwards day when you wrote this entry…

    You asked how shoes that are “uncomfortable” in the store murder your feet at home…why would you buy shoes that are uncomfortable in the store? I’m guessing you meant comfortable?

    And then you said the store doesn’t take returns on unworn shoes…but I’m thinking you meant “worn” shoes?

    Now that I look at it, that little “un” prefix was having some fun with you.

    *shrug* Either that or I’m reading it all wrong.

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