I’ve been meaning to do an informal survey here regarding responding to comments left on entries. Do you prefer if I a) respond to them privately via e-mail or b) respond by posting another comment? I feel torn because sometimes I think someone else reading might enjoy seeing my replies, but I’m not sure people who post go back to the older entries to check for further comments. So what’s your verdict?
Oh and by the way, I didn’t mean to insult rental cars by calling them smelly. The last rental car I had when my car was in the shop was actually brand new and smelled fine. That comment was tongue in cheek, although I didn’t care much for the rental cars we got on our Florida vacations, but that was years ago, so it could have changed. However, I still couldn’t possibly pack all my crap into a few pieces of luggage. The cameras, laptop, and equipment alone will take up enough space, not to mention all the clothes and toiletries. We’re even bringing the PS2 along. Like I said before, I’d rather have too many options for entertainment than not enough.
Most of the time I responde privately to their email, but if it’s a question/comment a lot of other commenters have made or if someone is making a big fuss, being a jerk, I’ll leave it in the comment section for others to see so they don’t ask the same thing again.
In general, I prefer the ability to see conversation threads in online journal comments. People who are curious will go back to the same post multiple times to see all the comments, either deliberately or as the result of a search. If your response to a comment is something you’d rather not have others seeing, then go to private email.