(Not Even) Home Alone 4

We borrowed Home Alone 4 from the library yesterday because the kids wanted to see it. Personally, I thought it really sucked, for several reasons, but I’ll only point out the main ones:

1) Lack of consistency between the previous movies and this one – The main character, Kevin, was younger in the movie than in the other parts, plus he had less siblings.

2) He was never really home alone at all in the movie.

3) The plot was so predictable, Joe pegged the outcome right away.

4) The movie gives kids of divorce false hope which is very irresponsible.

I rolled my eyes so much during the movie I’m surprised they didn’t fall out of my head. Then I realized that the main reason the movie sucked – it was made for tv. No wonder. There haven’t been many made-for-tv movies I’ve liked, with the exception of the mini-series V.

I give Home Alone 4 one star.