Remember the cute speaker I purchased in November? It started acting funny two weeks ago which was really disappointing. Today, with some free time on my hands, I went online to Philip’s site to chat with their customer service, and was pleasantly surprised with the ease at which they handled my issue. They are sending me a replacement speaker. Now that’s good customer service! Plus I’ve always felt it makes a difference how you communicate to the person you’re seeking help from, so I’m posting the transcript in case anyone would like to see an example of what I typically say.
Following this transcript, check out the poor experience I had with Bank of America recently. I could have handled myself better in the chat, but I was fuming at the time, particularly because that was not the first time that they changed the parameters of an account and I was slapped with monthly charges. Shame on me for not noticing them sooner, though. I have to keep a better eye on the accounts I don’t use often. Luckily I was able to convince them to refund all the charges, but I’m still considering changing banks. Anyone have a recommendation? I need a local bank (I’m in Illinois in the suburbs West of Chicago) that allows online banking and free ATM use.
Chat started!
Sam: Hello Nicole
Nicole: I purchased the portable universal speaker for my iPhone in November and already it is not working properly. The sound cuts in and out as if the connection for the cord is loose. I’m very disappointed as the sound quality was nice.
Nicole: I’ve only used it a few times since I’ve had it too.
Sam: I’m really sorry about the experience, I’ll be glad to help you with it.
Sam: May I have the model number, serial number and date of purchase of your player?
Nicole: is the model number and serial number on the box?
Sam: It should be on the back of the Speakers.
Nicole: Model No is SBA 1600BLK/27
Nicole: S/N number is _________
Nicole: It was purchased on 11/12/11 from Walmart
Sam: Thanks, Nicole!
Sam: Since the your unit is within warranty, I will process a replacement for your the Speakers.
Sam: To process the replacement for you, may I have your full name, complete mailing address with phone number and email address.
Nicole: Wonderful! :)
Nicole: Sure. My name is ________.
Nicole: My address is _________
Nicole: My phone number is _________
Nicole: My email address is __________
Sam: Thanks, I’ve processed the request. You should receive your replacement within 7-14 business days. Also, here’s our chat session ID __________ for your reference.
Sam: A pre-paid return shipping label will be included with your replacement for the return of your current speakers.
Nicole: Ok. Thank you for the assistance, Sam.
Sam: Once you have packaged your non-functioning speakers, please drop it off at your nearest FedEx location or FedEx drop box. You may visit to find a location near you.
Nicole: Will do.
Sam: You’re welcome!
Sam: “You might receive a short email survey soon. It would be great to hear your feedback about our chat today. If you are pleased with my service, you would rate either a 9 or 10; and if you unhappy, please rate between 0 to 8.”
Sam: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Nicole: Nope. Thank you. Have a nice day!
Sam: Thank you for contacting Philips.
Chat is closed by agent
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