Odds ‘n Ends

Ever notice how in Adam Sandler’s films the character he plays is always motherless? Either she is dead, or isn’t mentioned at all. It makes me wonder if he grew up without a mother, or has issues with his mother. Think about all the movies he’s in and how the only parental figure in his life is a father or grandmother, and it makes you wonder …

Why is it that candles have a stronger scent when they aren’t burning? I’ve got a Christmas Cookie candle burning and can’t smell it. But I have an unopened Cinnamon candle that I can’t stop smelling. It’s so odd. Also, I can smell the Christmas Cookie the further away I get from the candle. I can barely smell it if I’m close to it.

I realized today when wrapping up my Christmas shopping online that I really don’t know my dad at all. I’m at a loss on what to buy him because I have no idea what he likes.

Dark chocolate with almonds nuggets from Hersey’s are sinfully good.

Christmas lights make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Legos are hella-expensive. We went to the new Lego store at the mall today and I couldn’t believe the prices! They had these cute little packages of Santas, trees, and snowmen you could buy but they wanted $3 each. There’s like 20 pieces in there! I remember when my mom would buy them for $.99 at Toys R Us. Jeez, am I getting that old? And what’s up with Lego not selling little sets of figures anymore? You used to be able to get a box of 5 city workers or spacemen for $3. At the store we got two small Star Wars set for the newest fan in the family, Joe’s son. I also ordered some more stuff from the Lego site when we got home because they had some Star Wars sets for half off. Gonna save those for the boy’s birthday though since we’re done with the the Christmas shopping. But I did give in and ordered the mini Santas at $2.50 each as a stocking stuffer for the kids. I can’t help it, I love buying people gifts.

I love the smell of Chinese food almost more than the taste.

Not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I plan on decorating my cubicle this year with Christmas lights and whatnot. Next year I might really set a new precedent and dress up for Halloween too.