Here’s a new meme I’m going to try on for size. Not sure if I like it enough to participate every week though, but we’ll see.
PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.48
1. Those paper toilet seat covers in public bathrooms, do you use them? Nope. If the seat looks clean, I sit, otherwise I hover. You have much higher chances of contracting something from touching the bathroom doors and sink than from the toilet seat. In fact, the toilet seat is actually cleaner than those other things, believe it or not. Unless you have a cut in your skin and sit in someone’s urine/feces/blood, you are not going to catch anything. Those paper toilet covers are for people’s paranoia.
2. What is on your Christmas Wish List for Santa to bring? Nothing, really. I don’t like asking for stuff because it’s no fun to open a present when you already know what it is. And not to sound all high and mighty, but if I really want something, I just buy it for myself.
3. In the month of November, Brian wrote over 50,000 words on his novel and is nearing completion. What did you accomplish in the month of November? I started a fitness regime that I’ve been sticking to better than ever before. I’m on the road to being healthier.
4. Have you ever snuck into someplace that you shouldn’t have? Tell me about that. Nope.
5. Do you recall the first internet meme you participated in? How did you come to find out about it? Do you still participate? Why or why not? It was the Friday Five. Sometimes I participate, but only if the questions interest me.
6. Do you have any favorite internet or “streaming” radio programs or music channels you wish were available in your car or on a portable radio? Nope.
7. Ever been skinny dipping? What’s the story there? Nope.
BONUS: What’s cooler than being cool? Being nice and warm. :)