And they call that news?

Girl’s Text Messages Save Grandfather’s Life – Am I the only one thinking, “stop text messaging your mom and call 911!”

4 Hurt In Chopper Crash – I like this quote: “The pilot — kudos to him — did a great job of landing and not hitting any cars.” How about kudos to a better pilot who doesn’t hit a sound barrier to begin with?

Grandmother Sues After Buying ‘Grand Theft Auto’ – Yea it’s the fault of the makers of a game rated mature that you didn’t investigate what you bought your grandson. Sexually explicit scenes or not, no 14-year-old should be playing that game.

I swear, people are so stupid these days. I need to move. I hate Chicago.

One Reply to “And they call that news?”

  1. Sounds like he hit the sound barrier after he started spinning out of control. Doesn’t actually mention cause of crash.

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