I was listening to Pete Holmes interview Conan O’Brien on his podcast today and one of the topics was cemeteries and how in some places in the world there’s so little land that every 70 years the bodies are dug up to make room for new ones. The reasoning, besides lack of space, is that by then their next of kin will have also passed on so no one will even be visiting all these dead people. They also noted that so much beautiful land is being dedicated to those who have passed on and cannot be enjoyed by those who are alive.
It made me realize that in a way it’s really strange to have all theses places where we “store” dead people. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand why it’s done, but I think it has changed my mind about how I personally want my body to be handled when I die. I used to want to be buried, but I think now I’d rather be cremated so I am completely gone, instead of waiting centuries for my body to rot while also taking up space. Maybe I can be turned into a tree or something. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, I’m pretty sure we’re not going to need our bodies once we pass on.