New Association & Fire Alarm Inspection

Sometime back in October my payment to our association was rejected by the bank with a notice that the PO BOX had been closed. And this was how I learned that we had a new association (that no one ever told us about). Luckily I have a few neighbors’ contact info and was able to get the whole welcome packet digitally from one of them. Apparently it was mailed to everyone, but I spoke to other neighbors who didn’t get the info either. Trying to get an email response or accurate information from this new association didn’t go well either. Very aggravating!

Eventually they created a website and suddenly seemed to magically now have my email address (which was always on my account) in order to send notices and whatnot. One of those was about upcoming fire alarm inspections. The way in which they laid out the information caused confusion, though. Had it not been for the two people on our board who showed up at my house to discuss voting for new board members, I would have thought the inspection for our unit was on a Wednesday, not Friday. I’m guessing the same confusion happened to the neighbors on either side of us too since neither were home the day they showed up. That sucks, because they will be charged for the inspectors to come back out.

I spoke to the guys who did the inspection and was told that our system really needs replacing but it would be very difficult to do so. Who knows what that means for the future. They were required under their contract to replace two heat detectors in each building and chose our unit for both, so they replaced the one in the laundry room and the other in the garage. Not sure why they didn’t replace one in another unit, though. Kinda seems unfair we got two (of the four in our unit) replaced, but whatever. I’m just happy that is over, for this year at least. They choose the dates and you have to be home or you get fined. It’s really shitty, if you ask me.

Master Bedroom Window

Over the past few months I’ve noticed the master bedroom has been draftier than usual and it seemed like I could hear the wind whipping around at night more. Plus I could hear the relentless beeping from the big post office across the street. I chalked it up to the fact that our windows aren’t that insulated and asked Joe if he could install a window insulation kit since it’s been so cold in there lately.

Sunday was the day and in order to do it we had to remove the blinds first. So glad we did as that’s when we discovered that the glass had slipped, leaving a small gap where all the air can come in.

Everything makes much more sense now!

Unfortunately Joe couldn’t get the glass to budge no matter what he did and he was worried he’d break it if he used too much force so he put some insulation foam in the gap and caulked the hell out of it to temporarily seal it.

The windows are 30 years old so we decided we’ll be replacing them next year. It sucks, because it isn’t going to be cheap, but I’m really looking forward to having windows that are easier to open. Plus I’ve wanted a new patio door for years.

I’m going to start doing some research so we choose a company carefully. I also plan on speaking to our neighbors to the west as they had all their windows and patio door replaced last year and they look nice.

Joe’s Surgery

Earlier this year Joe noticed a lump under his left arm. His primary care sent him for an ultrasound which was inconclusive so he had an MRI done. That was inconclusive as well, so he referred him to a surgeon.

I went with him to the appointment. The surgeon walked in, felt the area and said “yea, it’s a lipoma” (not to be confused with a lymphoma). He went on to explain it wasn’t cancerous, but would continue to grow, so he’d have to schedule surgery to have it removed. He remarked that he wished Joe’s doctor had sent him over before having all the unnecessary scans done. Luckily our insurance is very good and the ultrasound was $45 and the MRI was $100, so it could have been worse. But that’s still $145 we didn’t need to spend.

Joe’s surgery was scheduled for November 18th since we knew he’d need time off work to recover and two of the days would be covered by Thanksgiving. The day of surgery we got to the hospital at 5:35 am to check-in for his 7:30 am procedure. We’ve never had a procedure at this particular hospital (Central DuPage) before but I liked how organized they were. Not only is there a screen in the waiting room updating the status of each patient (using a number they give you at check-in to keep everyone’s privacy), but they also text you updates. Unfortunately those updates tend to be delayed. By the time I got the one stating Joe was in surgery and doing well I was being led back to a consultation room to talk to the surgeon. That part freaked me out a little but luckily he was just telling me everything went well.

Everyone was really nice, everyone except one douchebag in the waiting room were wearing their masks properly, and all things considered it was uneventful. We were home by 10:30 am.

One snag was when I was talking to the surgeon I realized no one had ever scheduled Joe’s follow-up visit he’d need before being released back to work. We were under the impression it would be on November 29th so he could go back on the 30th but when I called the office (from Joe’s recovery room), they had no appointments available so he had to wait until December 1st with a return to work on the 2nd (assuming no complications).

Update 12/6/22 – He was cleared for work and returned on December 2nd. Everyone missed him as they fell behind without him there and also having people out sick. He got his biopsy results on the 1st and they confirmed the growth was benign. It had almost doubled in size between when he first saw the surgeon in mid September, though.

Refrigerator Organization

I wanted our new refrigerator to be more organized than the last one and just so happened to come across two perfect items at Costco back in late September.

It took a little convincing to get Joe on board with the egg holders, but now that we’ve been using them for awhile he really likes them. I like how they, along with our fresh fruit and yogurt, are all contained in one space giving more room for other things.

I liked our old fruit containers but they were too large and didn’t stack well. The Rubbermaid containers solved that issue and I haven’t noticed any difference in how long before the fruit spoils.

Our fridge is now laid out as follows:

Top shelf – pre-packaged items for future meals, such as soups or meal kits
Second shelf – leftovers
Third shelf – eggs, yogurt, cream cheese, and fruit
Fourth shelf – milk, creamer, juice
Produce Drawer – fruits & veggies, plus extra butter (we buy in bulk)
Meat Drawer – tortillas, sour cream, and cheeses (block, shredded, and cottage)

Haunted Trail Walk & Halloween

Saturday, October 29th

Our local park district offered a haunted trail walk for $5 per person this year, so we signed up with our friend, D. We had attempted to attend the event last year but it was cancelled due to rain. This year it was just very cold outside. The park they chose to hold it in was one we’ve never been to before but was close by which was nice. But that’s where our luck runs out.

This park had a small building they were using as a staging area for each group but you had to wait outside for your turn and like I had mentioned, it was really cold out! In addition, even though there were lights on the exterior of the building, they weren’t on, so it was pretty dark. The person checking people in had to use a flashlight and even then couldn’t find us on the list until another person intervened. The whole thing was very disorganized.

In fact, they were running behind, so we had to wait about twenty minutes past our scheduled time in that freezing cold. This one lady was smoking and no matter how far away we stood, I could still smell it. I thought it was pretty rude of her to be smoking at all considering how many kids were in the area. Plus she was with kids! Of course she ended up in our group and even though she wasn’t smoking on the actual walk, the damage had already been done and my hair smelled like smoke when we got home.

I’d like to be able to say all the annoyances were worth it in the end, but sadly, they were not. They had stations set up along a walking path that were like chapters in a scary story about an escaped kid or something (it was so lame I wasn’t even paying attention) and you could tell the people involved hadn’t participated in such a thing before so they weren’t very good at acting or scaring people. Needless to say, it wasn’t scary in the least (and I’m a wuss), or fun, and I couldn’t wait until it was over so I could get back into the warm car. We definitely won’t be signing up for that in the future.

Monday, October 31st – Halloween

On Halloween we got about 10 kids or so which worked out well since I had put together 9 treat bags from the large bag of candy we got from Walmart.

Look at the uneven distribution of flavors, though! I think I might just hand out full sized candy bars next year.