Head in hands

We just can’t catch a break with this whole neighbor situation. Our old neighbors moved out last weekend. Seeing as how we’ve seen apartments in this building sit empty for two weeks or more before they were even worked on, we were thrilled to think we’d have peace and quiet for a few weeks. Obviously, someone up there does not like us.

Management started working on the apartment immediately. Thursday we were woken up by them putting new carpeting in. And yesterday, our new neighbors moved in. They loudly moved their stuff around until 1 am, and woke me up at around 7 am this morning moving stuff around. Nice.

And despite what I asked of management, no one re-tightened the floorboards when the carpeting was removed, even though it was a perfect opportunity, so we have more creaking floorboards.

It just never ends, does it? Why I ever thought living on the first floor was a good idea, I’ll never know. We are never going to get peace here. And maybe I expect too much, but I find it extremely rude to be doing loud banging before 9 am on a weekend. But apparently that’s just me, because everyone else around here doesn’t give a shit that other people live in this building too.

Now if only Joe’s ex-wife could make up her mind on where she plans on living with the kids, we could start looking for an appropriate home. We can’t even start looking when we don’t know how large of a space we’re going to need. I’m tired of living my life around her and everyone else. I’m ready to strangle someone. People better stay out of my way today, because I’m ready to explode!

We’re gonna have a celebration

To coin a phrase often used by Joe’s daughter – Today is the best day ever!

Everything is just coming together in the nicest way. Two fantastic things happened today, although I’m not at liberty to discuss one of them.

What I can tell you – Joe’s divorce is now final. As of today, I am no longer dating a married man. Joe has always been 100% devoted to me, but it’s nice knowing that no woman can lay claim to him, financial or otherwise. He’s all mine now, even in the eyes of the law.

Before we went out to dinner to celebrate, we bought 10 lotto tickets because it’s just one of those rare days where everything is going our way and since things often come in threes, I figured winning 28 million dollars would be a nice way to wrap up such a great day.

I’m really happy for us, and more importantly, Joe. He’s put up with a lot of crap before we got together and he’s finally being repaid for being the wonderful, caring person that he is. He’s getting what he deserves and it’s about time. I hate seeing the nice guy finish last. Not today, though, baby, not today.

And so begins what we’ve been affectionately calling Celebration Weekend.

Good News

I was contemplating writing one of those “I have some good news!” posts where I actually make you wait before revealing said news, but that’s cruel, and who do I think I am anyway – someone worthy of you reloading my site every hour to see if a new entry was posted? I don’t think so.

So without further delay …

Joe’s divorce is final. Yippee, yahoo, hooray!

Well, final in the aspect that everything has been signed – the i’s have been dotted and the t’s are crossed. The official date for the ‘desolution of marriage’ is October 24th. On that day, you’ll find the two of us at the local Lonestar Steakhouse celebrating. Drinks are on us. ;)

Oh yea … and it’s about frickin’ time!