We had our water heater replaced yesterday. Unlike last time, we planned it. While it hadn’t failed, it was 14 years old, so it was just a matter of time. We chose ABT since they have good prices and employees. And while I liked our installers (D and R), once again I’m reminded why I get so anxious about such events.
Things started off poorly when I was informed by the head guy, D, that the wall cabinet had to come down for them to do the work. I was rather dumbfounded, because that wall cabinet was there in 2007 when the last water heater was installed and I don’t think the plumber touched it, and he was working by himself! Now, I could be wrong, but if he did, he certainly treated it better than these guys did (more on that in a bit).
Shortly thereafter, I was also informed that due to the existence of a check valve on the line, ABT was required by code to install a thermal expansion tank (I believe the check valve was installed a few years ago when the village put in a smart water meter). However, ABT didn’t have one with them and would have to come back to install that part at a later date for cost ($50). When I told Joe, he asked if he could swing by Home Depot to buy one and have them install it and they said yes and showed us what to get (which just so happened to be what Joe was looking at). Within a half hour he dropped it off (one of the perks of working so close to home). We saved $20, but more importantly, having to empty the laundry room a second time (although I confirmed the cabinet would be able to stay put on the second visit).
After the old heater was removed, the head guy asked if I wanted to clean the area so I used the Shark handheld to get rid of 14 years of cobwebs and dirt. The water was off by then so I couldn’t mop the area, but I did have a spray bottle of just water that I used to wet some paper towels and do a quick wipe of the floor. It was by no means perfect, but you can’t really see anything back there once the new heater is in place anyway.
As for the cabinet, I did not realize that the way Joe put it up originally, using something called Molly Bolts, hindered the guys’ ability to reinstall it the same way because they didn’t say anything to me. Apparently, once disconnected, the bolts fall into the wall so you have to use new ones. I’m guessing either they didn’t have any, didn’t want to do it that way, or felt it would be better to use screws into the studs. Regardless, I wish they would have at least ASKED me! Because I would have told them to leave it alone and Joe could have put it back up later. Now it sits a bit to the right and higher than before. I’m short enough, so I don’t like that. Not to mention the wall looks bad around it, and they left a misplaced screw in the wall which also looks bad. Oh and the bins I had sitting on top of the cabinet barely fit and scrape the ceiling. UGH!
In addition, the linoleum tile was scratched to shit in some places and one tile in particular has a very dull spot on it now. Whether Joe did that when moving the washer and dryer, or the installers did, I’m not certain, but this is why I hate having work done. It’s like no one is careful with the surrounding finishes! I’ve made notes for any future work in that room since people cannot be trusted to be careful in other people’s homes.
Oh, and the new water heater is louder that the old one because of course it is. All appliances seem to be louder these days because they’re made with cheaper parts and less insulation to equal more profit for companies and less contentment for consumers.