It wasn’t until March came along that I remembered how much I hate March. You start hearing all the birds in the morning so it feels like it should be sunny and warm, but it isn’t. What a letdown!
When we went to the Apple Store in February we had to walk around the mall to kill time and I kept seeing Funko Pops for Five Night at Freddy’s. I had to look it up because I had no clue what it was. Intrigued, I borrowed the game from the library. Umm… I don’t get the fascination. It was mildly interesting, but mostly boring. Of course, I was murdered by 3 am, so ymmv.

This was McDonald’s customer service response to me asking WHY they don’t allow you to pay with the Arch Card (aka McDonald’s gift card) in the app. Thanks for nothing, Jannie.

We started re-watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force and it is as funny as I remember. Well, the first three seasons, that is. Which is where I think we must have stopped because we’re on the fourth season now and it’s getting less funny and more nonsensical.
Based on IMDB reviews it seems some seasons are better than others, so we’ll continue to plow through, but damn. I do love Master Shake, though, because he’s such a unapologetic selfish asshole. And the Moonnites are the best!
Girl Scout cookies from our friend’s granddaughter:

I did not care for the Trefoils or Lemon-ups, but I really loved the S’mores. I bet I could recreate them with some Biscoff, Nutella, and marshmallow fluff/cream.
Decided I wanted to refresh my fake flower collection and went to Michael’s to look around. All the spring floral was 50% off so I got all this for only $4.14 out of pocket thanks to the digital gift card I got from Discover. Retail price was close to $80 which honestly seems ridiculous. I would never “pay” that even with a gift card.