Well you’ve seen this all over the blogosphere by now, haven’t you? And I’m jumping on the bandwagon. I asked, and he delivered. Here is my interview, courtesy of Kevin.
1. So what’s the deal with “Sleepy Froggie” and why don’t we really see it anywhere other than in your URL?
Well it was never meant to be a theme site, just a domain where I could hang my hat. I wanted a URL I knew I wouldn’t tire of; something that was cute, unique and meant something to me. So I chose my nickname for Joe: sleepyfroggie. It was born out of his physique (torso wider than his hips/legs, similar to a frog) and the fact that when we first started dating he was always falling asleep on me. So he became my sleepyfroggie. It was only natural to choose that as a domain name since he used to have a blog here as well.
2. Take this opportunity to predict the season finale of 24. What will happen?
Hmmm. That’s a tough one. I want to say Jack will end up sacrificing himself for Audrey, because I’m having a tough time seeing his character go through another horrific day. But on the other hand, that would be suicide to the series, so I don’t know. I’m having a rough time with this because this season hasn’t been up to par until last week’s episode. It’s really heating up, only supporting my theory that you don’t need a catastrophic explosion to make a show exciting. All this sneaking around and Jack going dark is much more enjoyable to me than worrying whether the U.S. is going to be blown to smithereens.
3. How did you get into blogging?
It was probably born out of boredom because it started in March 1998 when I was between jobs. I had just moved out of my parents’ house into an apartment with my ex. He got me set up with an account at Enteract, now known as RCN. I started messing around with web design from there.
At first I was more interested in building a Cure fan site, which was called Cold Colours, if anyone remembers it. It was actually fairly popular, but as I slowly added more personal content, I felt I should build a separate site for that stuff. On my site I started posting rants, and from there it grew into a journal that I manually updated until Greymatter came along. From there I used Moveable Type, and now WordPress. So yea, I’ve been blogging for nine years without much interruption. Probably the longest dry spell was right after I broke up with the ex and was staying out too late to bother getting online to write.
Oh and any of those other Cold Colours sites you see now are not mine. I took that site down years ago. The ex wanted to keep it to maintain but I said no because I had worked hard on it and it was mine, including mine to destroy. ;)
4. If you could afford to live in any of Chicago’s burbs, which would it be and why? Money is not a concern.
Probably Wheaton, which I live nearby. It’s got big houses, tree-lines streets (which I adore), and a cute downtown area. It’s also home to Cosley Zoo, which is really nice. The whole town just has a very calming feel to it and it seems like an ideal suburb if I must stick to the Chicago area. Ideally, I’ll be moving out of state in several years, most likely before the 2016 Olympics, should our fair city be chosen.
5. You’re on your dream vacation. All of a sudden, your camera craps out. Do you chalk it off and enjoy the rest of your vacation cameraless or do you make a beeline to the nearest store and buy a new one, cost be damned?
That’s a tough one. I know I couldn’t stand the thought of buying a brand new camera without endless hours of prior research, so I’d probably buy a disposable. That way I could capture things here and there and still enjoy myself. But honestly, this scenario would never play out in real life since we typically bring three cameras with us on vacation (Joe’s, my 20D, and my Powershot).
Now it’s your turn. Do you want to be interviewed by me?
If you are interested, just follow the instructions below.
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
2. I will respond by e-mailing you five questions. I get to pick them, and you have to answer them all.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
You know, it’s right about this point I’m glad I don’t have a lot of readers because I’m worried I won’t come up with any interesting questions, but don’t let that stop you from requesting an interview! I will do my best to make it fun for you.
Yeah, someone’s a bit overprepared for camera apocalypse, isn’t she? Jack going dark is going to be cool. And I agree, I could see him dying. Fox would meltdown over the lack of a show for next season, but I could see it happening.
Please interview me. I need inspiration to post entries again! :)
Interview me! I’m game… :)