My mind = mush

I wonder if the aspartame I’ve been consuming daily really does cause brain tumors like the rumors suggest. I’ve been very forgetful lately. I keep leaving the washing machine door open when I start a cycle so it doesn’t spin properly or dispense the fabric softener. This has happened at least three times in the past three weeks.

Then I left Peanut’s cage open again last night and she got out. Thank god she’s a super hamster and she wasn’t hurt! This time we found her in the downstairs bathroom behind the toilet. I swear I am the worst pet owner ever. What is going on with my brain? I told Joe I’m worried I’m going to leave the curling iron on one day and burn down the house. He told me not to worry because, “you don’t leave things on, you just leave them open”. Thanks, hon.

One Reply to “My mind = mush”

  1. Aspertame gives me migraines… maybe it is trying to give me a tumor?

    Forgetfulness comes with age, hun… you are just *cough* aging. Sorry, couldn’t help it. I’m soooo with ya on this.

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