Staycation – Day 1 – Friday

I’m on a staycation for the next 11 days, woot!

Day 1 started out with a trip the eye doctor, and then after coming home to eat breakfast, I headed to the library to relax and read some magazines for two hours which just flew by. I borrowed some magazines, books, DVDs, and even a game called Catchphrase that I’m looking forward to trying. On the way home I stopped at another library to pick up a book that was on hold.

When I got home I cleaned the rats’ cages and let Milo and Marshmallow run around a bit on the bed together. They’ve been introduced in the tub twice before and while Marshmallow can be a little rough when he’s playing, they aren’t trying to kill one another which is a good sign. Marshmallow keeps licking Milo’s genitals, though, which was freaking me out. But after a little internet research this is apparently a way rats sometimes assert their dominance. It’s just weird because I’ve never seen other rats do it before.

My brother stopped by after work and we went to Aldis to pick up some food. Then we ordered a couple of pizzas from Dominos since they were offering 50% off when you order online. I almost freaked out when the total came to $30 before realizing the coupon hadn’t been applied. When I fixed that it was a more reasonable $16.76 which is still not cheap for two medium pizzas, but a lot better than $30. How they think two 12″ pizzas are worth $30 is beyond me. Both were pretty good. We got the Honolulu Hawaiian and the Wisconsin 6 cheese with pepperoni on one half.

Domino Pizzas

After dinner we played bags. Joe decided to make his own boards and had been working on them for the last month. We’ve wanted some for quite awhile but weren’t willing to shell out $200+ for them.

Bears Cornhole

I think they came out great and it ended up costing us $110 so we paid nearly half. We had purchased decals for them but returned them because the shade of orange didn’t match the paint on the boards so they would have looked stupid.

Bears Cornhole Bags

We ordered the bean bags from Etsy in case anyone is interested in buying their own.

3 Replies to “Staycation – Day 1 – Friday”

  1. “Bags”? lol i thought that was called Cornhole? Must be a regional thing.

    Speaking of regional, we pay around $30 on average for one large pizza here. :/

  2. It’s called cornhole here too but Joe hates that name so he got me in the habit of calling it bags. :)

    $30 for a Domino’s pizza, or just pizza in general? I’m all for paying the $25 it costs for a nice large deep dish, since that feeds the two of us for two meals, but I feel like Dominos, Pizza Hut, and those kind of chains are just a little step above a frozen pizza which is why I found their regular prices a bit steep.

  3. $30 from (slightly) better chains like Round Table or Extreme Pizza. And definitely not for deep dish because that’s not common pizza here like it is in Chicago. We can get that at a one special place but I’m sure it is more.

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