Joe is working on the guest bathroom today since it’s raining out. Yea, it’s still not done, but we’ve run into some issues with the stupid wall. I’m also pissed that the paint color didn’t come out looking like the sample. It looks like purple instead of grey but whatever. I’m so sick of this project that I don’t care what anything looks like anymore as long as it’s done. Seriously, I have no patience for remodeling projects.
In happier news, Friday after work we had friends over which was nice. One of them used to be an electrician so he helped Joe replace the switch by our front door. We couldn’t get it to work properly because it turns out they had the wiring wrong. Nice. Then we had pizza and the guys drank like they always do. I seriously don’t get the appeal of beer. It’s disgusting.
Yesterday we went to see G.I. Joe which wasn’t too bad. After the show we were stopped and asked to take a short survey and we scored two free movie tickets out of the deal which was cool. We had lunch at Chipotle and then walked around downtown Geneva eating ice cream. It’s a real cute area.
Ugh. I so don’t feel like blogging lately as you can tell by the lack of updates. I don’t know what it is… maybe spending so much time in front of a computer at work has started to make me hate sitting down in front of my computer at home. The last two weeks we’ve had working lunches so I’m completely behind on my podcasts and reading because I never have time to do either.
I’d rather be on the couch on my iPhone than sitting at my desk. I did want to write an entry about some of the cool iPhone apps I’ve discovered lately but I lack the motivation to do much of anything lately. Joe and I even discussed hiring a maid so I don’t have to clean the stupid bathrooms anymore but I doubt we’ll do that because I’m too cheap and now that our wireless bill has doubled, I don’t want to spend any more money than I have to.
Oh, we’re going to run to the store and get a light for the guest bath. Hallelujah it might be done soon.
* This entry was brought to you by a cranky Nicole